Index, abstracts, and full text for many scholarly publications covering all academic areas of study.
Academic Search Complete , designed specifically for academic institutions, is the world's most comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 5,300 full-text periodicals, including 4,400 peer-reviewed journals. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for Amore than 9,300 journals and a total of 10,900 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc. This scholarly collection offers full text coverage of information in many areas of academic study including: archaeology, area studies, astronomy, biology, chemistry, civil engineering, electrical engineering, ethnic & multicultural studies, food science & technology, general science, geography, geology, law, mathematics, mechanical engineering, music, physics, psychology, religion & theology, women's studies, and other fields.
Thousands of scholarly and reference e-books covering the humanities, sciences and social sciences.
Electronic Book Center (OhioLINK) contains the full texts of thousands of scholarly and reference e-books from several publishers, covering many subject areas.
Electronic Journal Center (OhioLINK) includes the full text of more than 7000 online research journals covering many subject areas. Most electronic indexes available to the Ohio academic community link from article citations to the full text in the EJC.
Global news database of nearly 33,000 premium sources, including licensed publications, influential websites, blogs, images and videos including the Wall Street Journal.
Video library of award–winning documentaries and performances spanning the arts. Containing over 20,000 titles from more than 800 international producers.
Video library of Oscar, Emmy, and Peabody award–winning documentaries to A-list performances spanning the arts. Containing over 20,000 titles from more than 800 international producers including A&E, PBS, the BBC, National Geographic, ABC News, NBC News, CNBC, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, MacNeil/Lehrer Productions, Open University, Bill Moyers, California Newsreel, TED, Films for the Humanities & Sciences, and more.
Includes the complete archives of many core scholarly journals. They have been digitized, starting with the very first issues, many of which date from the 1800s. New titles and fields are being added regularly.
JSTOR is an interdisciplinary archive for the older content of selected academic journals. It contains retrospective material for more than 1,000 core scholarly journals across the social sciences, humanities, fine arts, and sciences. The journal coverage starts with volume 1 issue 1 and includes all previous titles. More recently published issues (the past three-to-five years) are generally not available as part of JSTOR.
Catalog of books and other materials held in Ohio college and university libraries.
OhioLINK Library Catalog is a combined catalog of over 7.8 million books and other library materials from many of Ohio's universities, colleges, community colleges and the State Library of Ohio. OhioLINK's design allows you to transfer a search from your local library catalog to the OhioLINK combined catalog with the touch of a button. The OhioLINK catalog provides immediate access to the library holdings of the whole system, including current availability status. Requested books and other materials are delivered to your library within a few days. Catalog entries for electronic books and journals link directly to those resources.
SELECT: Not Listed, click here on first screen. Electronic books in computer science, information technology, business, and related fields. Enter your Marietta College email address to gain access.
Safari Books Online provides electronic books in computer science, information technology, business, and related fields from O'Reilly, Pearson, and other IT and business publishers. Enter your Marietta College email address to gain access. You will receive an email to create an account, but that is not required to have access. Once you enter your email; you will have access for 3 days without reentering your email. Questions, please ask at the reference desk.
Catalog of books and other materials held by libraries worldwide. Used for Inter-Library Loan.
WorldCat is the OCLC union catalog, containing more than 43 million records describing books and other items owned by libraries around the world. Each record contains library holdings. WorldCat covers thousands of subjects and includes records for items as far back as 1000 B.C. Materials covered in the catalog include: books, internet resources, computer data files, computer programs, films, journals, magazines, manuscripts, maps, musical scores, newspapers, slides, sound recordings, and videotapes. WorldCat does not include individual article titles or stories in journals, magazines, newspapers, or book chapters.
New / Trial Databases
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