Special appreciation is extended to Sandra B. Neyman, for her leadership in envisioning the digitization of The Manuscripts and Documents of the Ohio Company of Associates, and for her meticulous research, organization, and supervision during the early phases of the project.
Marietta College is also extremely grateful to Irene D. Neu, who volunteered countless hours in selecting and analyzing documents, and in creating descriptive metadata for the material presented here. Without their exemplary dedication and scholarship, this project would not have been possible.
Douglas Anderson, Ph.D., Director of the Library
Meghan Auker, Student Assistant
Angela L. Burdiss, Technical Services and Systems Librarian; Assistant Professor; Grant Project Director
Linda C. Cramer, Technical Services Assistant
Jane H. Davis, Reference Associate
Frank Diller, Webmaster
Joseph Hickman, Student Assistant
Beth McNally, Grant Writer
Ken Nelson, Intranet Systems Manager
Irene D. Neu, Ph.D., Emerita Professor of History, Indiana University (Bloomington); Grant Project Volunteer
Sandra B. Neyman, Emerita College Librarian and Professor; Grant Project Director
James H. O'Donnell, III, Ph.D., McCoy Professor and Andrew U. Thomas Professor of History
Traci Perry, Assistant Controller
Jessica Phillips, Student Assistant
Rebecca Poe, Special Collections Associate
Janice K. Pottmeyer, Secretary to the College Librarian
Bevery Renner, Secretary to the Director of the Library
Linda J. Showalter, Special Collections Associate; Grant Project Archivist
Erin K. Wagner, Student Assistant
Ryan Zundell, Art Director
The Bonfoey Gallery, Cleveland, Ohio, Painting restoration
Etherington Conservation Services (The HF Group), Greensboro, North Carolina, Document conservation
OCLC Preservation Service Center (acquired by Backstage Library Works), Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Microfilming and digitization
Osborn Photographic Illustration, Inc., Williamstown, West Virginia, Digital photography
Preservation and digitization of the Manuscripts and Documents of the Ohio Company of Associates is supported in part by a grant from Save America's Treasures, administered by the National Park Service, Department of the Interior.