To access any of Marietta College's subscription databases, OFF- campus, you will be prompted to login with your Marietta College credentials. Use your name as it is shown on your student ID and the 14 digit barcode on the back of your ID.
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When you click to download a full book, highlight, or annotate pages, you will be prompted to log in with your Marietta credentials (the same username and password you use to access myMarietta and Moodle). This will automatically create an account for you within EBC. With that account you can create bookshelves and notes, and be able to access that account off-campus just by logging in.
The first time you try to download a book or chapter you may be prompted to download software to allow you read the content on your device.
To download and read content from EBC on a laptop or desktop computer, you will need to download Adobe Digital Editions software. This is a free program and is different from Adobe Reader (the software used to read PDFs).
To download and read content from EBC on an iOS or Android device, you can download the free Adobe Digital Editions app or any reader app that can read Adobe DRM files. You will need to create a free Adobe ID to read Adobe Digital Edition files on mobile devices.
Downloading has been disabled for some EBC titles that have been designated by the publisher for use by one person at a time. These titles are read-only.
A download is perceived as a virtual checkout, making the title unavailable to anyone else for 24 hours. However, if someone is simply reading it in EBC then that title is only inaccessible to others while that person has the eBook open. So to ensure greater access we have disabled the download option.
If you are using a read-only, one-user title please make sure you close the book and log out of EBC once you have finished your work. This helps others gain access.
Find a Safari title in the library's catalog, OneSearch or OhioLINK.
Click on link: “Full text online” or “Connect to…” |
If it's your first use or if you are off campus, you will be asked to select an institution from the list. Marietta College is not listed. Select Institution Not Listed link. You will be asked for your email address. Safari will recognize your email. |
And then you will access your resource. |
Subsequent use on campus will result in this message when you click on a Safari link.
When not on campus, you will be asked for your email, just as you were when you first accessed Safari on campus.
After your first time logging into Safari, you will receive an email from them. It will tell you more about their content and the mobile app. You can opt out of these emails:
Have any questions about content or access? Please contact us!