Works Cited Entry, Basic Form
Author Name, Reversed. "Title of Article." Title of the Book. Editor of book. Location: Publisher, Date. Pagination. Medium of publication.
Dewey, John. "Common Sense and Scientific Inquiry." Pragmatism Old & New: Selected Writings. Ed. Susan Haack. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2006. 443-463. Print.
Scott, Anne Firor. Introduction. Exploring Women's Studies: Looking Forward, Looking Back. Ed. Carol Berkin, Judith L. Pinch, and Carole S. Appel. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006. 1-7. Print.
"Mensural Notation." The Harvard Dictionary of Music. Ed. Don Michael Randel. Rev. ed. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard UP, 2003. Print.
For more details on citing articles in monographic publications, see MLA Handbook, chapter 5.5.6-8, p. 157-162.