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APA Quick Guide: 6th Edition: Journal/Magazine Article

Model Citation for a Journal Article

Works Cited Entry, Basic Form

Author Name, Reversed(Date). Title of Article. Title of Journal Volume(Issue), Pagination. doi: digital object identifier

  • Use the prescribed punctuation between each element of the citation.
  • Title of the article is not in quotes.  Title of the journal is in italics.
  • The volume number is in italics.  Include issue number in parentheses only if each issue begins with p. 1.
  • Include pagination of the entire article (not just the part you are citing).
  • Use hanging indent (all lines after the first indented).

Journal Article with DOI

Bird, E. V., Christmas, C. R., Loescher, A. R., Smith, K. G., Robinson, P. P., Black, J. A., ... Boissonade, F. M. (2013). Correlation of Nav1.8 and Nav1.9 sodium channel expression with neuropathic pain in human subjects with lingual nerve neuromas, Molecular Pain, 9. doi: 10.1186/1744-8069-9-52

  • When there are 8 or more authors, give the first six, followed by an ellipsis (...) and then the last author.
  • Note that this article has no page numbers, so only the volume number is given.

Journal Article without DOI

McLaughlin, S., & Rafferty, H. (2014). Me and 'It': Seven young people given a diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome. Educational & child psychology, 31(1), 63-78. Retrieved from

  • If a DOI is not available, provide a URL for the article.  Generally the home page URL of the journal or publisher is preferred.  Items that are not indexed or are difficult to locate should be given an exact URL.  Use a permalink, PURL, persistent URL, or permanent URL if available. 

Article in a Print Magazine

Daniel, J. (2012, June). No fears of flying. Therapy today, 23(5), 32-34.


More Information

For more details on citing journal and magazine articles, see Publication manual, 7.01, pp. 198-202.

Citation Managers

What is a DOI?

Because Internet-based content is frequently moved, restructured, or deleted, URLs frequently become broken.  Instead of relying on a URL, APA citation style prefers to use a DOI (Digital Object Identifier).  A DOI is a stable and reliable reference to a document.

  • When a DOI number is available use this format in references: doi:XXXXXXX
  • You can retrieve a document by appending its DOI to the end of
Look up a DOI or learn more about DOIs for research content.