Works Cited Entry, Basic Form
Author Name, Reversed. (Date). Title of Article. Title of Journal Volume(Issue), Pagination. doi: digital object identifier
Bird, E. V., Christmas, C. R., Loescher, A. R., Smith, K. G., Robinson, P. P., Black, J. A., ... Boissonade, F. M. (2013). Correlation of Nav1.8 and Nav1.9 sodium channel expression with neuropathic pain in human subjects with lingual nerve neuromas, Molecular Pain, 9. doi: 10.1186/1744-8069-9-52
McLaughlin, S., & Rafferty, H. (2014). Me and 'It': Seven young people given a diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome. Educational & child psychology, 31(1), 63-78. Retrieved from
Daniel, J. (2012, June). No fears of flying. Therapy today, 23(5), 32-34.
For more details on citing journal and magazine articles, see Publication manual, 7.01, pp. 198-202.
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