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APA Quick Guide: 6th Edition: Newspaper Article

Model Citation for a Newspaper Article

Works Cited Entry, Basic Form

Author Name, Reversed. "Title of Article." Title of Newspaper Date, Edition: Pagination. Medium of publication.

  • Use the prescribed punctuation between each element of the citation.
  • Title of the article is in double quotes.  Title of the newspaper is in italics.
  • Include pagination of the entire article (not just the part you are citing).  If the article continues after skipping pages, put the first page number and a plus sign (+).
  • Use hanging indent (all lines after the first indented 1/2 inch).

Article in a Print Newspaper


Belluck, P. (2013, December 3). Oxytocin found to stimulate social brain regions in children with autism. New York times, p. A19.



Article in a Newspaper from a Library Database

Jayson, S. (2013, August 23). What it means to be 'transgender.' USA today.  Retrieved from

More Information

For more details on citing journal and magazine articles, see Publication manual, 7.01, examples 10-11, pp. 200-201.

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